Load Cells

Our range of wireless Load Sensors from 10 Tonnes to 50 Tonnes. We are manufacturers of LoadSense Wireless Load Cells and transducers ranging from 1 to 50 tonnes. If you are not entirely sure about your requirements, please contact us for assistance.

Applications include load monitoring, fork lift and materials handling. Browse through some of our application stories and product releases to see how LoadSense is helping customers solve their load measurement problems around the world?

LoadSense Wireless Load Sensors

LoadSense features wireless 2.4 GHz communications that transfer data in real time to a PC or display. Internal batteries make operation autonomous. Ranges from 1-50 Tonnes.

The wireless LoadSense Handheld Receiver can interrogate and display up to 9 different LoadSense transducers and the unit can also be connected to a PC via RS232/RS422 or USB.

The LoadSense Cabin Display is a small, lightweight, cabin/window mounted unit, used in conjunction with our LoadSense Wireless Load Sensors to display the  current reading.

The LoadSense Receiver Interface is used for receiving & converting data from the LoadSense transducer into analog or digital outputs for integration into any data collection system.

LoadView is an easy to use load monitoring software used in conjunction with our readouts, available to provide a flexible display, real time plotting and data recording facility.