Speeding emerging green technologies to maturity

Many small steps are helping reduce carbon emissions, but if we are to avoid catastrophic global warming giant leaps are urgently required. Torque measuring specialist Sensor Technology is helping one of the key green tech players develop and test technologies...


Torque transducers on test rig help test advanced electric and hybrid powertrains

Wireless rotary torque transducers from Sensor Technology Ltd are at the heart of a test rig to develop next generation technologies for electric and hybrid vehicle powertrains. With unique expertise in the electric motors and electronics used across the key...


Lotus Hybrid Blooms

Specialist electromagnetic design company Elektro Magnetix (EMX) of Brighton developed and tested the motor-generator for Lotus Engineering’s EVE (Efficient, Viable, Environmental) Hybrid. This is a technology demonstrator that is showcasing many of the medium term solutions that will be used...


Designing greener cars requires sophisticated testing

The automotive industry’s race to develop a new generation of high performance, low emissions power plants has lead to the emergence of high capability test beds that simultaneously monitor multiple parameters. The sector is pinning many of its hopes for...
