Available in other languages: Plant monitoring and control is particularly vital in the continuous process industries, where multiple machines must act in harmony day after day and failure of a single machine can lead to massive consequential losses of production...
Sinnvolles Drehmoment Zur Steuerung Von Prozessanlagen
Available in other languages: Die Überwachung und Steuerung von Anlagen ist insbesondere in den Industrien mit fortwährenden Prozessen entscheidend, wo vieleMaschinen tagein, tagaus inHarmonie arbeiten müssen und dasVersagen einer einzelnenMaschine zu erheblichen Folgeverlusten der Produktion führen kann. Da die meistenMaschinen...
Ultrasound Helps Optimise Drive Designs
Available in other languages: A bespoke pump maker is using ultrasound waves to efficiently model drive torque and thus contain development costs to within predictable limits. Charles Austen Pumps has recently upgraded test facilities with Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) equipment...
Sensor de ondas acústicas
Available in other languages: Charles Austen Pumps fabrica bombas diseñadas especialmente para ajustarse a los requerimientos particulares del cliente que no pueden ser satisfechas con unidades estándar. La naturaleza cíclica en la operación de muchas bombas tiende a inducir oscilaciones torsionales...
Unique Rental Service
Did you know? We offer a unique short or long term rental service on all of our standard rotary torque transducers & wireless load monitoring equipment.
Lifetime Warranty
Sensor Technology Ltd's standard range of products are warranted against manufacturing defects and component failure for two years from date of purchase, subject to fair wear and tear and return for the first year's free of charge annual re-calibration. This warranty is extended indefinitely if the equipment is returned to Sensor Technology, or its distributor, for annual re-calibration, when software and hardware updates, if required, will be carried out free of charge. Standard range means those products as described in the company's product data sheets.