Available in other languages: Sensor Technology has set new benchmark performance standards for optical rotary torque transducers, with the launch of the digital ORT 230/240 series. These new optical rotary torque sensors are ideal for applications when the demand...
I sensori ottici di coppia rotante
Available in other languages: Sensor Technology ha stabilito nuovi standard di prestazioni di riferimento per i trasduttori ottici di coppia rotante con il lancio della serie digitale ORT 230/240. I nuovi sensori ottici di coppia rotante digitali sono ideali...
Transductores de par rotativos ópticos
Available in other languages: Sensor Technology ha establecido un nuevo estándar de rendimiento para los transductores de par rotativo ópticos con el lanzamiento de la serie digital ORT 230/240. Estos nuevos sensores de par rotativo ópticos resultan ideales para...
Capteurs de couple rotatifs optiques
Available in other languages: Sensor Technology a mis au point un nouveau référentiel de nouvelles normes de performance pour les capteurs de couple rotatifs optiques, avec le lancement de la série numérique ORT 230/240. Ces nouveaux capteurs de couple...
Novo transdutor de torque óptico rotativo para pequenos torques
Available in other languages: Com o lançamento da série digital ORT230/240, a Sensor Technology criou novos padrões de desempenho para transdutores óticos rotativos de binário. Estes novos sensores óticos rotativos de binário digitais são ideais para aplicações onde ser...
Präzise optische Drehmomentsensoren
Available in other languages: Sensor Technology hat mit der Einführung der Baureihe Digital ORT 230/240 neue Maßstäbe für optische Drehmoment-Messglieder gesetzt. Diese neuen optischen Drehmoment-Sensoren eignen sich ideal für Anwendungen mit niedrigen Drehmomenten und/oder hoher Bandbreite. Sie bieten präzise...
Unique Rental Service
Did you know? We offer a unique short or long term rental service on all of our standard rotary torque transducers & wireless load monitoring equipment.
Lifetime Warranty
Sensor Technology Ltd's standard range of products are warranted against manufacturing defects and component failure for two years from date of purchase, subject to fair wear and tear and return for the first year's free of charge annual re-calibration. This warranty is extended indefinitely if the equipment is returned to Sensor Technology, or its distributor, for annual re-calibration, when software and hardware updates, if required, will be carried out free of charge. Standard range means those products as described in the company's product data sheets.