Shell Eco-marathon is a world-wide competition sponsored by Shell.
Participants build automotive vehicles to achieve the highest possible fuel efficiency. This week the European event takes place at Weybridge. Teams from Universities from all over Europe compete to see how far their vehicle can travel on a set amount of fuel.
Sensor Technology has been sponsoring the Green Team Twente from University of Twente/Saxion and Eco-Runner from University of Delft, by providing TorqSense rotary torque sensors to enable them to build fixtures to test the motors they are using to drive the wheels. Motor efficiency is, of course, vital for this application and the data they generated will have helped maximise performance.
They hope to show that they can reach a far distance by using a very small amount of energy (>900 km/L).
We look forward to seeing them in action and see how far they are able to travel.

TU Delft’s Eco-Runner team with their car

Green Team Twente’s race team and car.